Ragnarok Auto Potion

RagnarokRagnarok auto potion

Ragnarok Auto Potion Free Download; Ragnarok Auto Potion Config; Hello, I should have posted this on Christmas, but it was delayed because of the holiday events ^^ This was requested by a friend, to make an auto potion similar to the one on garenathai because it no longer works for him. Purple Potion – 360 Zeny; The mentioned prices are for each potion and you need hundreds of these for your adventure. With that you will be spending a lot of Zeny for your auto-pot. How to Find Cheap Potions. So, there are actually a way to buy cheap potions and this is by purchasing it from other players whose class is merchant. Lemon Tools is an all-in-one tool for Ragnarok Online players and servers. Autopot, Skill Spammer, Switcher, Autobuff and more!

Mar 14th, 2016
Ragnarok Auto Potion
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  1. ; Made by Recca
  2. #NoEnv; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
  3. SendModeInput; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
  4. SetWorkingDir%A_ScriptDir%; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
  5. {
  6. Run*RunAs'%A_ScriptFullPath%'; Requires v1.0.92.01+
  7. }
  8. Coordmode, Mouse, Screen
  9. IniRead, Start, AutoP Setting.ini,Hotkey, Start
  10. IniRead, HealthPot, AutoP Setting.ini,Hotkey, HealthPot
  11. IniRead, ManaPot, AutoP Setting.ini,Hotkey, ManaPot
  12. IniRead, MsgrNah, AutoP Setting.ini, WarningMsg, Value
  13. Hotkey,%Stop%, Stop
  14. Gui,Add,Edit, xp+110 yp+2 w70 h20 vHPCoor +Center
  15. Gui,Add,Text, xp+23 yp+2 vHPp w20,
  16. Gui,Add,Button, gPickSP x10 y30, Pick SP coordinate
  17. Gui,Add,Listview, w20 h20 xp+70 vSPColor
  18. Gui,Add,Checkbox, xp-17 yp+23 Checked w59 h50 vMsgrNah, Warn`ning`nBox
  19. Gui,Add,Checkbox, xp-17 yp+23 w59 h50 vMsgrNah, Warn`ning`nBox
  20. Gui,Add,Text, x10 y60 cRed, HP Potion
  21. Gui,Add,Hotkey, xp+80 yp w100 +Center Limit190 vHealthButton,%HealthPot%
  22. Gui,Add,Text, x10 y85 cBlue, SP Potion
  23. Gui,Add,Hotkey, xp+80 yp w100 +Center Limit190 vManaButton,%ManaPot%
  24. Gui,Add, Groupbox, x10 y110 w210 h65 cBlue, Hotkeys ( check 'AutoP Setting.ini')
  25. Gui,Add,Text, xp+120 yp, STOP Hotkey
  26. Gui,Add,Hotkey,+Center xp-130 yp+20 w100 h20 vStart Disabled,%Start%
  27. Gui,Add,Hotkey,+Center xp+109 yp w100 h20 vStop Disabled ,%Stop%
  28. Gui,Add,Button, x10 y185 w100 h25 gSave, Save data
  29. Gui,Add, Link, xp+60 yp,<a href='http://ragindex.blogspot.com'>http://ragindex.blogspot.com</a>
  30. Return
  31. GuiClose:
  32. IniWrite,%MsgrNah%, AutoP Setting.ini, WarningMsg, Value
  33. return
  34. Save:
  35. IfErrorlevel
  36. Gui,submit, nohide
  37. IniWrite,%SPCoor%,%SaveFile%.ini, Coordinate, SP
  38. IniWrite,%HealthButton%,%SaveFile%.ini,Hotkey, HP
  39. IniWrite,%SP%,%SaveFile%.ini,Color, SP
  40. FileSelectFile, LoadFile,,%A_ScriptDir%,*.ini
  41. return
  42. GuiControl, HPCoor,%output%
  43. pointBetween := temp_1-39
  44. GuiControl, HPp,%perc%`%
  45. IniRead, output,%LoadFile%, Coordinate, SP
  46. StringSplit, temp_, output, `,
  47. perc :=Round(pointBetween/(130/100),0)
  48. GuiControl, HealthButton,%output%
  49. GuiControl, ManaButton,%output%
  50. IniRead, output,%LoadFile%,Color, HP
  51. HP := output
  52. IniRead, output,%LoadFile%,Color, SP
  53. SP := output
  54. Gui,submit, nohide
  55. {
  56. MsgBox,49, After this message box disappear`nthe next location you click will be the coordinate this script moniter`nWhenever the coordinate's color change`, potion will be use`n`nUse (Alt+Tab) to switch window and `nI RECOMMEND you to pick coordinate when SP is 100`% FULL
  57. return
  58. KeyWaitLButton, D
  59. PixelGetColor, SP, x, y, RGB
  60. if(SP = 0xFFFFFF or SP = 0xB5B5B5 or SP = 0x5A6BAD)
  61. MsgBox,48, Hmmm....., Did you miss the HP/SP bar? try again....
  62. }
  63. ToolTip, MARKED
  64. if SP = 0x000000
  65. {
  66. PixelGetColor, SP, x, y, RGB
  67. Continue
  68. Break
  69. GuiControl, SPCoor,%x%,%y%
  70. pointBetween := x-39
  71. ToolTip,%perc%`%
  72. GuiControl, SPp,%perc%`%
  73. Gui,submit, nohide
  74. {
  75. MsgBox,49, After this message box disappear`nthe next location you click will be the coordinate this script moniter`nWhenever the coordinate's color change`, potion will be use`n`nUse (Alt+Tab) to switch window and `nI RECOMMEND you to pick coordinate when HP is 100`% FULL
  76. return
  77. KeyWaitLButton, D
  78. PixelGetColor, HP, x, y, RGB
  79. if(HP = 0xFFFFFF or HP = 0xB5B5B5 or HP = 0x5A6BAD)
  80. MsgBox,48, Hmmm....., Did you miss the HP/SP bar? try again....
  81. }
  82. ToolTip, MARKED
  83. if HP = 0x000000
  84. {
  85. PixelGetColor, HP, x, y, RGB
  86. Continue
  87. Break
  88. GuiControl, HPCoor,%x%,%y%
  89. pointBetween := x-39
  90. ToolTip,%perc%`%
  91. GuiControl, HPp,%perc%`%
  92. Gui,submit, nohide
  93. return
  94. StringSplit, coor1_, HPCoor, `,
  95. SetTimer, TimerStart,100
  96. SetTimer, RemoveToolTip,500
  97. IfWinActive, Auto Potion
  98. ToolTip, STOPPED
  99. SetTimer, RemoveToolTip,500
  100. if HP !=
  101. PixelGetColor, HP1, coor1_1, coor1_2, RGB
  102. {
  103. Sleep20
  104. }
  105. {
  106. if(SP != SP1)
  107. ControlSend,{%ManaButton%},%Title%
  108. }
  109. Return
  110. Stop:
  111. return
  112. SetTimer, TimerStart, off
  113. mode :=0
  114. ToolTip
  115. return
RAW Paste Data

Ragnarok Auto Potion

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