
Number of words: One word per line. Download: SVG Spiral: Archimedean Rectangular Scale: log n √n n Font: orientations from ° to °.

  1. Wordle Software Download

Wordle ~ Beautiful Word Clouds


From words faster than time. Sign me up Stay informed about special deals, the latest products, events, and more from Microsoft Store. What is a Wordle and How Do I Create One?A wordle is just a creative cloud of words that you can use to convey a message. We often use these as graphics in.

Word clouds are becoming quite popular these days. You can create a tag cloud in Activerain with the tags you've created (www.activerain.com/blogs/your-user-name/tags). Wordle is pretty neat because it compiles the words you've written in your blog and forms a cloud out of them. Here is my Wordle cloud.

Wordle Software Download

The words are a little pixelated because I was unable to get the coding (since the software belongs to IBM ), so I had to use the print screen feature to get a copy. You can get your own at Wordle.net

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